The Journey:
A Description of Services
“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.”
– Ursual K Le Guin
Addiction Counseling
I can provide traditional counseling services for someone who is wrestling with addiction. Whether you are engaging an abstinence program or seeking to develop harm reduction practices, I can help you set achievable goals, develop tools for dealing with triggers and cravings, and find support to help you through the cycles of long-term recovery. However, most people come to me for support in bringing a spiritual component to bear on their recovery. Whether that is helping you develop practices and rituals to strengthen your personal spirituality or wrestle with the concept of Higher Power found in 12 Step programs or a blend of both, we can work together to strengthen your overall plans for improving your health and well-being in a new chapter of your life.
Spiritual Direction
I offer both individual and group spiritual direction. Group spiritual direction often involves organizations, spiritual and religious institutions, or even businesses who are seeking a spiritual component to their discernment in aligning their decision making with their faith and their values. Through spiritual direction, I will work with you to explore an area of discernment whether it is a career decision or an issue you are wrestling with in your interpersonal interactions. Guided by your own intuition and your relationship with the Divine, you will explore your calling in whatever discernment you are engaging.
Pastoral Counseling
Although pastoral counseling is typically approached during times of significant grief or change, I offer pastoral counseling through all of life’s experiences. Whether you are seeking to process grief in response to an unexpected change or even a much-anticipated change in your life, I can work with you to identify the beliefs and rituals that will best support you through these transitions. This includes short term grief counseling, planning rituals, and deep listening. Pastoral counseling can also include couples counseling when you are wrestling with a new chapter in your relationship as well as premarital counseling, wedding rituals and officiating, and marriage counseling.
How often and how frequently do you meet with a client?
This varies with each circumstance. However, Spiritual Direction often happens every 2 to 4 weeks and can continue as long as a person feels like there is more to discern. Pastoral counseling is often brief and intense. Meetings can happen as frequently as each of us can manage and, if the grief feels like it is beyond my scope of practice, I may refer you to other resources for further support. Addictions counseling is similar to Spiritual Direction in that it often continues as long as a person feels that there is more to explore and discern in their journey. It may start off with frequent weekly sessions and then taper off into less frequent maintenance sessions. However, with each program there is no singular path or expectation. I strive to meet the needs of your particular circumstance.
What are your prices?
The fees for my counseling services are established at $120 per session. However, I reserve a number of slots on a sliding scale as low as $70 if you feel that the regular fee would be a hardship. Over the years, I have experienced that those who are capable will gladly pay the regular fee in order to make my services available to all.
For special services such as weddings, baptisms, child dedications, and other rituals, I can provide you with a plan for the total cost of my time which includes planning sessions and the actual time for the ritual itself.
How will we meet?
For the time being, all sessions will be scheduled on Zoom, even for people who live in the Denver area. For those who live outside of the Denver metro area, this will be our regular practice. You will be provided with a personal Zoom link for the time of our scheduled session. For those who live in the Denver metro area, we can sit down and have a session in my office or meet at a local park and choose to walk while we talk or find a nice quiet place to sit once the Covid crisis has become more manageable.
Get In Touch
Send a message using the form or book a session.
Business hours:
Monday - Friday: 10AM - 6PM
If you are scheduling a session for the first time, please fill out the contact information to the left with a brief note about your goals or interests for spiritual direction and/or counseling.